John Dickson Carr'in ozellikle Sir Henry Merrivale serisinde kullandigi takma isimdir.
Sir Henry Merrivale Serisi
1934 The Plague Court Murders
1934 The White Priory Murders (Kıral Merdiveni)
1935 The Red Widow Murders (Kızıl Dul)
1935 The Unicorn Murders
1936 The Punch and Judy Murders / The Magic Lantern Murders
1937 The Peacock Feather Murders / The Ten Teacups (On Çay Fincanı)
1938 The Judas Window / The Crossbow Murder (İğne Deliği)
1938 Death in Five Boxes (Dördüncü Misafir)
1939 The Reader is Warned
1940 And So To Murder (Ölüm Film Çeviriyor)
1940 Nine and Death Makes Ten / Murder in the Submarine (Gemideki Katil / Ölüm Gemisi)
1941 Seeing is Believing / Cross of Murder (Kanlı Oyun)
1942 The Gilded Man / Death and the Gilded Man
1943 She Died a Lady (Ölüm Anaforu)
1944 He Wouldn't Kill Patience
1945 The Curse of the Bronze Lamp / Lord of the Sorcerers (Bronz Lambanın Laneti)
1946 My Late Wives
1948 The Skeleton in the Clock (Saatteki İskelet)
1949 A Graveyard to Let
1950 Night at the Mocking Widow
1952 Behind the Crimson Blind
1953 The Cavalier's Cup
1991 Merrivale, March and Murder
1934 The Bowstring Murders (Bir Saat Durdu)
1939 Fatal Descent / Drop to His Death (John Rhode ile)
1956 Fear is the Same
1940 The Department of Queer Complaints
Yazan: CinaiRoman
- December 27, 2015 19:31
Yazan: Bekir Karaoğlu
- April 23, 2010 17:07
Bekir Karaoğlu Yazıları